Friday, August 24, 2007

Zai jian! (Goodbye!)

Well, this is it - our last post in the U.S.! We spent an adrenaline filled day running around picking up wads of cash from the bank, cleaning, buying last minute groceries for Riley and the grandparents, saying goodbye to dear friends and of course, playing with Riley. We fear for my parents' stamina after a day of following her on her scooter AND bicycle and swimming in the pool. Maybe they can trade off. We are officially packed and ready to go. Barring any bizarre weather in NJ, we should be ok to fly out of Newark and over the North Pole, past Mongolia to Hong Kong. (We have informed Riley that we will actively look for Santa's house) Check back on Monday morning when we should be able to post some "Gotcha Day" photos!!! Off we go!

1 comment:

Ren said...

I've been thinking all weekend about all the Cold Spring Bissingers!

I hope Riley's safe and happy with her grandparents and that your flight was safe and as comfortable as could possibly be.

I'll be checking the blog obsessively all day Monday waiting for those "GOTCHA" pictures!!!

All my love to all the Bissingers!
Aunt (x3) Ren!