Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Departure Date!!!!!!

Well, we finally know when we're leaving - August 23rd!!! 3 more weeks and Rob and I get to meet Miss Hannah! Strangely, we don't have a return date yet, but everything about our agency seems pretty strange. They tell us that we'll know the return date soon - let's hope that means days and not weeks! I did a giant shop at Target today - most of our travel stuff - it was pretty overwhelming. Lots of disposable bibs, placemats, wipes, baby food, etc. for Hannah and lots of meds, protein bars, thermoses, backpacks, etc. for us. My Mom and Dad came over yesterday with Riley's crib and we put that together, so now the girls' room really looks like the girls' room! I'll have to post a picture. I'm so excited that this is all finally happening and thank the Lord that tomorrow is August 1!!! We made it through the longest June and July of my life. We also received Hannah's "finding ad" which is a picture and short description of a found child in China. It is part of the legal process there mainly in order to give the birth parents a chance to reclaim their child. Hannah's ad came out in a local Donguan paper called the "Southern Farmer's Daily" on November 30,2006. She was just as chubby cheeked and adorable as in her referral pictures and maintains her very solemn expression. A very smart businessman in Utah tracks down these ads for you and translates them as well. It's an important part of her history and I'm glad that we have it. Well, on to waiting to hear about when Miss Riley gets to meet her sister....

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