Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tuesday 's medical exam and some dubious English

She's a healthy, happy girl! No official word on the results of this morning's exam so I'm going to go with no news is good news. She had a pretty rudimentary check up including a squeaky frog to check her hearing. They of course did height, weight, head circumference and checked the ears, throat and lungs. That was about it. Hannah was crabby throughout but then, who really enjoys going to the doctor? She fared much better during the last of our souvenir shopping today (she really likes that stroller!). Rob got everyone's comments on the blog printed out in the business center of the hotel! So great to finally read everyone's reactions as we've been able to post on our blog but haven't been able to see it. Very strange but we hear it looks great! Thanks for all of your wonderful comments and wishes - we can't wait for you to meet this new baby of ours who is already so loved! The rest of the day we spent hanging out and playing in the room and at the pool. We finally ordered takeout from a place called Danny's Bagels and Hannah loved her first bagel as well as the bites she nabbed from my chicken parm sub! Pretty great bagels in China - who'da thought? We're posting a picture of an elementary school class that passed us on our way back from the medical exam. Interesting t-shirt for a school teacher, huh? The picture also gives you some idea of how close the traffic likes to get to the pedestrians (which in this case happen to be tiny children). Oddly enough, you hardly ever see people writhing in agony on the side of the road from hit and runs. Hannah continues to be in constant motion and is getting extremely vocal. I wonder if the babbling is in Chinese that I don't know but I am glad that she's making conversation at least. She let me hold her hand while walking for the first time today! Big deal for me because she finally trusts me enough to depend on me for something. We were at the pool and we spent a LONG time just walking to the water, dipping our feet in, then walking away, and repeat ad nauseum. Fine with me. She really LOVES the water too! Big fit when we had to leave. Well, we're off to dinner at Lucy's. Enjoy the pix!! 4 more days and we're home!!!


Shuks said...

Why does Rob keep making faces at that baby?

lmscicluna said...

Is it that the liklihood of Hannah 'Keeping Quiet' is as good as the possibility that the drivers will soon obey common rules of the road?
And where can I get a shirt that requests someone please me?