Thursday, September 6, 2007

Our last night in Guangzhou!

I'm posting mid-day because I think we'll be in kinda late after our big cruise tonight. Hannah was super crabby today, of course, because it was picture day. I really think that a new tooth must be breaking through her gums because she is drooling like crazy and the boogies are flowing! We received all of her final adoption paperwork today including the adoption certificate with our family picture on it and her official finding ad, history and immunization record. Everything is in order to go to the American consulate tomorrow and magically turn her into an American citizen! We are excited that we can start packing to return home. Rob did buy a new leather carryon bag which he plans to keep for future business trips. It's very nice and he clearly loves it - I love that he got it for 30% off an already low price! We will stuff it full of all the souvenirs for the trip home since Hannah is allowed a carryon too! It was wonderful to speak to Riley this morning and hear all about her first day at school! She said it was boring but she was excited to name all of her friends that are now in her class. I can't wait to walk her to school on Monday!! Hard to believe that in less than 48 hours, we will be in the air headed to Newark Airport!! I've never been so happy to be going to New Jersey! We're posting pictures of the travel group(sorry dads, somebody had to take the photos) and also the eagerly anticipated "Red Couch" picture which went surprisingly well thanks to Charmaine's genius idea of handing each baby a piece of cracker just before all the moms walked away. Hannah proceeded to feed everyone and only Claire cried. The girls names are (left to right) Jaiden, Lily, Isabella, Hannah, Kimberly and Claire. Hannah is the eldest at 19 months and there is some debate as to who's really the youngest - Isabella or Claire. Remember - these birthdays are assigned based on doctor guesses. They are all beautiful. Well, I will try to blog one more time before we get on the plane - probably from Hong Kong. Say a prayer we can fit everything into our luggage - we bought a lot more than we planned to. Bye Bye White Swan!


Grandma Marianne said...

Can hardly wait to see you all - beautiful, beautiful, beautiful pics!! - but it is so time for you to be home!!! - walking to school sounds so very special - and we already know Hannah will enjoy the "stroll."

Lots of love,
Grandma M

Ren said...

The girls on the couch are beautiful!!! What a very special picture to have.

And I agree with Grandma M, it's time to come home and enjoy those strolls to school with big sister Riley!

We cant' to see you all together!

Leslie said...

Traveling mercies to one and all, and thank you for sharing this amazing journey. Can't wait to see you! peace and love, Leslie

lmscicluna said...

All the girls look so beautiful!
Hope you enjoy your cruise. We simply can't wait to see you. The PTA is trying to track you down Katie. Hee Hee, only kidding! Well, not really.

michelle said...

Hannah has fabulous taste and clearly loves being adorned in silk, 5-star hotels, cruises, etc. She is just beautiful. My favorite photo is of her in the pool. Seriously, i go from laughing to crying reading your notes. Hannah will be able to read this one day and truly understand just how much more love she brought to your lives and to ours in cold spring. xo, michelle & co