Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!!

I'm a week late with this post but just wanted to share pix from the great Chinese New Year Party we attended last Sunday! Hannah and Riley got to set off firecrackers, play traditional Chinese instruments, participate in the big dragon dance parade and Riley even made a rat snowglobe. (It's the year of the rat.) There were about 30 kids there, many adopted from China, Vietnam and Cambodia as well as friends of Chinese descent. Rob, Riley and I have gone twice to this party while waiting for Hannah to arrive, so this year was especially joyous for us and lots of people were very excited to finally meet Hannah En Ming! Hannah LOVED the dragon parade and giggled out loud at all the loud confetti poppers going off as the dragon danced by with her under it. She also refused to use her fork and would only accept my feeding her with chopsticks at the party, which I found very interesting. She was true to her heritage and culture for the night! We had a blast. Of course, the very next day found both of them not feeling well and Riley was absent from school for the first time since starting kindergarten at Haldane. They are both feeling a little better now but still sniffling and coughing. I cannot wait for the winter to be over. We also went to cousins Bryan and Johnny's big birthday party yesterday. Very fun for all and I will post a picture of all the kids from that party too. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. We'll post again soon!

1 comment:

Ren said...

You Bissingers are just party animals! Does it ever stop?!?