Thursday, June 7, 2007

Any minute now....

Hey everybody! I can't believe I actually created our own blog. See what you can do when you're forced to sit at a computer anxiously waiting for an email from your adoption agency? That's right - we got "THE CALL" yesterday at 12:45 PM letting us know that we received a referral!!! Trouble is we haven't seen any specific info about our new baby yet and I am LOSING MY MIND!!! Rob is insanely happy and I feel like I just gave birth and the nurses ran out of the room with my child before I could see him/her!!! I don't think that I have ever been this anxious in my life. I thought callbacks for Broadway shows were stressful - I was wrong. I've created this blog so we can get all the info out to all our family and friends quickly. Cross your fingers that it happens today. The email should arrive today and the Fedex package with all of the baby's info should arrive tomorrow. I'm so excited that we will finally be a family of four!!!



Grandma Marianne said...

Grandma Marianne is in love as well. Hannah is so very blessed as are all the rest of those that call the Cold Spring Bissingers family!

Keep the candle glowing!

lucymother said...

Your beautiful baby, Hannah, was well worth the wait! May all of your family and Hannah have a wonderful life together...sharing many joys. This will be such an exciting time for Riley! I am so happy for you guys. Aunt Lucille