Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

OK, so I'm more than a little late on this one but I personally had a fantastic Mom's Day this year and I hope all you Moms reading this did too! Got to sleep in, order any breakfast I wanted, went out to lunch with my hubby, the girls and the Grandmas, and got to chill out and read a magazine while the kids played at a kids museum. Bliss. I had no responsibilities that day and man was that nice. Back to reality now, though, and I'm 11 days away from running a dance recital, 2 days away from a camping trip with Riley and only 5 weeks away from the last day of school!!! How did this happen? Hannah continues to grow in ways we never imagined - she's chatting up a storm and comes out with new words every day, she is such a snugglebug and loves giving us hugs and kisses and she's occasionally asked to go on the potty with actual results! (I am so completely not getting my hopes up on that last one though, because Riley faked me out with that action when she was only 19 months old. The diapers didn't leave the house until she was over 3.) We also enjoyed seeing the family for cousin Carolyn's communion. The girls had a blast. Life is good.

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